Still Kickin'
So it's been about 10 days since my last post. It's crazy how much can happen in so little time isn't it? I mean, just a few hours or minutes or seconds can go by and your world can change. It's also crazy how much you can get done in so little time. If you're rushed or nearing a deadline, your brain and body kick into overdrive, scrambling to get the work done. On that note, I want to talk about deadlines today. When you're in school, you constantly think "I can't wait to get out into the real world where I don't have to deal with projects and tests and final deadlines." Except the irony of all that is: the real world is exactly like school, but with money. If i've learned one thing throughout my internship so far, it's that the real world is a lot like school. You have projects to work on for clients You have deadlines for articles and press releases. You are tested by your boss every single day according to your performance at t...