
Showing posts from February, 2017

Still Kickin'

So it's been about 10 days since my last post. It's crazy how much can happen in so little time isn't it? I mean, just a few hours or minutes or seconds can go by and your world can change. It's also crazy how much you can get done  in so little time. If you're rushed or nearing a deadline, your brain and body kick into overdrive, scrambling to get the work done. On that note, I want to talk about deadlines today. When you're in school, you constantly think "I can't wait to get out into the real world where I don't have to deal with projects and tests and final deadlines." Except the irony of all that is: the real world is exactly like school, but with money. If i've learned one thing throughout my internship so far, it's that the real world is a lot like school. You have projects to work on for clients You have deadlines for articles and press releases. You are tested by your boss every single day according to your performance at t


So.. the internship world has been treating me pretty well lately. My curriculum requires me to be spending about 15-20 hours a week on my internship in order to receive 4 credit hours towards my graduation requirements. Which I am doing. However, lately I feel like I could almost handle 2 internships on top of everything. I don't mean to sound like I'm begging by any means; I just feel like I love what I do and what I'm learning. And maybe that's the way it's supposed to be? Figuring everything out has been kind of difficult. In the last year I have gotten an amazing internship opportunity, set myself up for early graduation, moved out of my parents house, and was also somehow able to find myself. I have learned that the opportunities you take in life all play a huge role- no matter how small they may be. Every decision you make, person you talk to, or work you accomplish- all play into making up your life and determining what your next move is going to be.

Put To The Test

During my time at my internship I have been given many opportunities to better my work and gain some real world experience. Last week, my internship invited me to one of their events that their client was hosting. Now, since we are a PR firm, our job was essentially to be the press for the event. It was still fun though. Located at the top floor of The Westshore Grand hotel, the event was simply spectacular. Being able to meet doctors and companies from all over Florida and some parts of the U.S, was fascinating. I got to speak will many members of the doctors practice while also showing my face and getting my name released as a part of a distinguished PR firm. Feeling a little pressured to do well at my first big event just made me that much more motivated to provide the best work I could. My job that night was to take pictures of the event and assist in interviewing the guest speakers from the companies the client worked with. It was interesting to shadow some of my colleag


Officially getting started in the world of PR, my eyes have been opened to a new and exciting world. Working for a PR firm as an intern has already been very rewarding. Day one was your basic introductions and first time jitters; but since then i have been loving the experience. I had no idea the kind of things I would be doing, but i'll say one thing: I am so glad I took "Media Writing" at last semester. That class has prepared me for more real world situations than I thought I would encounter this early on. Writing press releases, news releases, creating blog posts, researching and reviewing case studies, and creating social media posts and input. None of these things would I have been able to have done without that media class. Yet, still, I am doing well. So far I have had 3 to 6 assignments each day and have been able to produce efficient work and so far I have had no problem doing it. Some of my assignments have taken some time to work on; but with good time c