
So.. the internship world has been treating me pretty well lately.

My curriculum requires me to be spending about 15-20 hours a week on my internship in order to receive 4 credit hours towards my graduation requirements. Which I am doing. However, lately I feel like I could almost handle 2 internships on top of everything.

I don't mean to sound like I'm begging by any means; I just feel like I love what I do and what I'm learning. And maybe that's the way it's supposed to be?

Figuring everything out has been kind of difficult. In the last year I have gotten an amazing internship opportunity, set myself up for early graduation, moved out of my parents house, and was also somehow able to find myself.

I have learned that the opportunities you take in life all play a huge role- no matter how small they may be. Every decision you make, person you talk to, or work you accomplish- all play into making up your life and determining what your next move is going to be.

I don't mean to get all deep here; but its something that has been on my mind lately. Don't you ever think to yourself "if only I hadn't done that or chosen this, then ___ wouldn't have happened." I beat myself up all the time over past decisions I have made- wondering if my life would have taken a completely different path if I had chosen differently in the past.

I know that everyone makes mistakes and that the choices you make make you who you are; but that doesn't mean you're not allowed to think about the "what if's" in life either.

I don't know. Maybe this post was off topic a little. But what if I posted something else? You wouldn't be thinking the thoughts you are right now ;)
