It's All About Who You Know

When you have an internship, the pressure is always on you.

Now, no one expects you to be perfect, but they want you to be pretty damn close.

Getting an internship is a big deal-for it could possibly be a gateway to a future job. It is a way to build your resume, and most importantly- its a way to market yourself. Not only do you gain real world experience, but you also gain real world relationships as well- and thats just as important.

Im sure you've heard the phrase "its all about who you know." Well, part of that is true. The people you meet in this world are all vital connections that you might be able to use in the future. Having too many connections is never a problem- so get out there and meet people, you never know who they might be or who they might know. 

So far through my internship alone I have met several world renown doctors, a credible photographer, and a former producer and reporter for a local news channel.

Aside from my internship, I have also met many people just around the area.

I have met the producer of NBC Tampa, a former MMA fighter, a nationally ranked and famous women boxer, a model for HSN, a former NFL player, and some people who have worked on ABC's The Bachelor.

Not only have I met these people- but I have had conversations and have exchanged information with them as well. Most of them have offered to help me with getting internships and possible jobs in the future- all because I went out into the real world and had conversations with people who I though were just your everyday commoners.

Im not saying you need to make connections with high ranked people in order to get somewhere in life-im simply suggesting to be open and not be afraid to have a conversation with a stranger because you never know who they might be.

Making connections is the way of the world- and they can help you a great deal.
